info » background » Medical

I trained as a doctor in Bristol in the last year of the "traditional" medical curriculum (2 years pre-clinical lectures without any patient contact, followed by 3 years of clinical experience on the wards), benefiting from a 4 month European exchange to Brussels (I studied at the Université Libre de Bruxelles) and a 2 month elective to Stanford University where I did a sub-internship in neonatology. For house jobs, I participated in a novel (at that time) scheme that included paediatrics, gastroenterology and acute medicine, and vascular surgery.

I returned to London for my paediatric training, gaining experience in general and community paediatrics, neonatology, neonatal and paediatric surgery, paediatric nephrology and paediatric cardiology while completing my MRCPCH at the earliest possibility. I then worked at Westmead Hospital in Sydney, Australia for a year as a neonatal registrar.

My next job was as the ECMO Fellow at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, back in England. Following that, I took the US Medical Licensing Exams, then worked as a Clinical Fellow in neonatology in Brighton, covering both transport and unit duties.

However, it was back to academia for me: I gained a Master's degree in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, then worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the same time as keeping up my clinical skills by working at UCLH. In 2011, I transferred my research work to UCL, while keeping up with my clinical commitments, now by dividing my time equally between clinical and research work.

From 2015, following submission of my PhD, I went to work at Barts Health NHS Foundation Trust, initially for a year on the London Neonatal Transfer Service (NTS) before gaining experience on the neonatal unit until July 2016. During this time, I gained my CESR (Certificate of Equivalence of Specialist Registration) in Neonatology from the General Medical Council.

My next move was to Paris, in January 2017, where I started working as a post-doctoral fellow in Obstetrical, Perinatal and Pediatric Epidemiology Research Team (EPOPé: équipe de recherche en épidémiologie obstétricale périnatale et pédiatrique) at INSERM, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. I continue to practice clinical medicine: I was employed as a Consultant Paediatrician for the Paediatric Emergency Retrieval Service (Service Médical d'Urgence et Réanimation Pédiatrique) for the Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) from October 2017 until June 2020. I now work at Maternité Port-Royal as a consultant on the neonatal intensive care unit. I am also a member of the Scientific Council of the Société Française de Néonatologie (French Neonatal Society) which organises the Journées Francophone de Recherches en Néonatologie, an annual conference that attracts over 600 attendees from around the world. I continue to have a position as an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at UCL in London, UK.